LPC1768 ARM Cortex M3 Development Board
Blue Board- LPC1768 is an evaluation board for LPC1768 CORTEX M3 based microcontroller. The LPC1768 microcontroller has 512KB of internal flash and 64KB SRAM. Following are the salient features of the board.
- Dimensions: 106 X 108 mm2
- Two layer PCB (FR-4 material)
- Power supply: DC 9V with power LED
- On-board linear regulators generate +3.3V/500mA and +5v/500mA from power supply.
- USB connector (as alternate power source).
- Connectors:
Extension headers for all microcontroller pins. RS232 connectors (2).
PS/2 connector. JTAG connector.
SD/MMC connector.
USB A-Type USB B-Type connector with Link-LED.
- Other Peripherals:
- 2 line X 16 character LCD with back light control.
- Configurable for manual and automatic program download (ISP) via serial port. User Interrupt, ADC, RTC.
2: System Requirements:
- Windows XP & Win 7
- Serial or Parallel port
- USB port
3: Starting off & connecting the hardware:
After unpacking the LPC1768 board connect a DC supply of 9V/1A to the DC jack to power the board. The LPC1768board can also be powered through USB.
4: Programming LPC1768 Board:
LPC1768 Board can be programmed through serial port UART “0” using “Flash Magic” is a freeware windows utility used to download the hex file format onto the LPC1768 Board. If your PC does not have a serial port; use an original USB to serial converter to download the hex file.
- Programming LPC1768 Board through ISP.
The LPC1768 Board can be programmed through ISP Manual Mode.
To program in Manual mode you need a half serial cable (which just has TX, RX and GND wire connected). And connect the half serial cable to UART0 and power the board.
- Open Flash Magic.
- Select Device as LPC1768
- Select the appropriate com port (See your “device manager” to find out the com port number)
- Select the Baud Rate in between 9600 and 38400
- Interface: (ISP)
- Oscillator (MHz): 12
- Browse File name and Select the hex file to be downloaded.
- Click on Start.
To make the board enter programming mode
- Hold down ISP and RESET Buttons, then release RESET first and finally ISP.
- Click on Start Programming.
- Program uploaded successfully.
- Click the Rest Button on the Board. That’s it, your hex file is on the board.
Package Includes: 1 Piece of LPC1768 ARM Cortex M3 Development Board complete Set with USB to Serial, USB Cable and 9V Power Adapter.
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