Product Overview
2Pin 2.54mm Jumper Short Circuit Cap
This is a 2 Pin Short Jumper. It comes in use when there is a need to short two header pins of 2.54mm pitch. It has max current rating of 1A.
In electronics and particularly computing, a jumper is a short length of conductor that closes, opens, or bypasses part of an electronic circuit. People typically use them to set up or configure printed circuit boards, such as the motherboards of computers. They often call the process of setting a jumper strapping.
Jumper pins (points to be connected by the jumper) are arranged in groups called jumper blocks, each group having at least one pair of contact points. An appropriately sized conductive sleeve called a jumper, or more technically, a shunt jumper, is slipped over the pins to complete the circuit.
You can categorize jumper shunts by their pitch (the uniform distance between pins measured from center to center).. Some common pitches are:
2.54 mm (0.100 in)
2.00 mm (0.079 in)
1.27 mm (0.050 in)
Specifications of 2Pin 2.54mm Jumper Short Circuit Cap
- Jumper to short 2 pins
- Compatible with header pins with 2.54mm Pitch
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